Sunday, November 16, 2008

Ocean Fact

This one shocked me!

'More oil reaches the oceans each year as a result of leaking automobiles and other non-point sources than was spilled in Prince William Sound by the Exxon Valdez'

When I think about the Exxon Valdez oil spill, I think about how it was such a huge disaster: tonnes of oil spilt, so many animals and sea creatures killed, and so much destroyed. The way I had been taught, we were made to think that the amounts of oil that was spilt was just huge. And to think that each year, more oil than this reaches the oceans....that's unbelievable to me. For sure, the oil is spread mostly over the world's coastlines and not released all at once in a single area. But still, that amount seems like too much. We need to be more careful...

1 comment:

CBEMN said...

This is a stat that I wish far more poeple understood: we only hear about the massive one-time spills but not nearly enough about this issue.