Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Flip Side

Today's posts have been more concerned with sea creatures that have survived for a long, long time, and some of the characteristics that I believe has helped them over the generations.
Sometimes, these characteristics are not enough, or may be the cause of their demise. If we decide that these creatures have something special about them that we can use (ie. as food, clothing...), then us humans will do all we can to market those items. This has led to the exctinction and near-extinction of many creatures worldwide. In the oceans, it is leading to the end of two species in particular: the Ganges Shark has been hunted for its oil, and the Western Gray Whale is also under threat because of oil. The Western Gray Whale's habitat is being explored for oil reserves, and so the whales are forced out into extinction.
It's sad that moderation is never used in the hunting of creatures, and that we can never really think about the effects we have on the world around us when we decide we want something...

10 Species You Can Kiss Goodbye

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